2;0; 1. Write the sampling time in the first line. The sampling time is expressed in seconds. The minimum sampling time is 2s and the maximum is 99999999s. Make sure that there is a semicolon after the sampling time. 2. After the sampling time, write the number of points to be taken. 0 means no point limit. The minimum point number is 1 and the maximum is 99999999. Make sure that there is a semicolon at the end. The power consumption is the sum of the SD card power consumption, the GPS module and the data logger power consumption. - If the sampling time is 10sec or less, then the data logger, the GPS module and the SD card power supply will be always on. The SD cards can draw between 2mA and 200mA depending on the manufacturer and the model. The data logger’s own consumption is 8mA and the GPS uses about 30mA when fully powered. - If the sampling time is more than 10sec, then depending on the sampling rate, different power schemes will be used and some parts will be switched off to conserve energy between each data point record.