100;200;0; 1. Write the sampling time in the first line. The sampling time is expressed in milliseconds. The minimum sampling time is 5ms and the maximum is 99999999ms. Make sure that there is a semicolon after the sampling time. 2. After the sampling time, write the number of samples to be taken. 0 means no sample limit. The minimum sampling number is 1 and the maximum is 99999999. Make sure that there is a semicolon at the end. 3. The third setting is the ENERGY SAVING MODE. If 0 then the energy saving mode is OFF. If 1 then the energy saving mode is ON. Make sure that there is a semicolon at the end. If the sampling time is less than 30sec then the energy saving mode will be automatically set to OFF. When using the energy efficient mode, between every data sampling the data logger’s MCU will switch off the SD card and it will also switch of the crystal oscillator while using its internal oscillator at much lower speed. The SD card and the crystal oscillator will be switched on only for a brief moment to take the data readings and write them on the SD card. This mode will allow you to drop the total consumption down to 5mA between data readings. However there is a tradeoff. The internal oscillator is factory calibrated but it is much more temperature dependent than the crystal. The factory calibration has been done for 25 degrees C and depending on the external temperature this inaccuracy could result in +-5% timing deviation. The power consumption is the sum of the SD card power consumption and the data logger power consumption. - If the sampling time is less than 2sec, then both the data logger and the SD card power supply will be always on. The SD cards can draw from 2mA up to 200mA depending on the manufacturer and the model. The data logger’s own consumption is 20mA. - If the sampling time is more than 2sec, then the data logger will be always on and the SD card will be switched off between sampling and switched on only for writing the sample readings. So no energy will be wasted for the SD card.